Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let Them Come

I have been muy occupado this month at Mision Caribe. We have started School Outeach, prepared for a team, prepared for the summer, hosted a team, painted and revamped the house to name a few things (not exaggerating). Life here doesn't ever stop. There is constant spiritual warfare happening in the lives of the people and even the staff. Somedays are harder than other but there are some days when I literally feel like a rockstar. Those are the days that keep me going.
I have started teaching English is two schools for about 20 minutes a class. I'm not sure if it is the break from the normal rutine or if they really want to learn English, but there is one class that I teach where my students litterally charge the door when I begin my accent into the classroom. It might be one of the best feelings to see 25 kids (give or take a few shy ones) tackle you. I have to get a firm stance and open my arms wide to make sure we all don't topple over. gaining their trust and their respect has opened a lot of doors. I am able to speak openly, or as open as my Spanish will allow, about being a Christian and the love to ask questions. They soak up everything you say and they just want to love and be loved. We have been learning "This is the Day" in ingles in each class room and they love it. It is a simple song and very repetative, but they love, love, love it. "Dis is da day" couldn't be any cuter than coming out of little Honduran bocas. I could gush ove these kids for at least five scrolls, but I'll spare you. For me, it's the message behind the song and the kids that sing it that is a great reminder.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I'm going to remember this song and my kids as I continue to work here in Honduras. Let the children come to me so I can teach them everything I know about rejoicing in the day and being glad in the Lord that made everything. he is my rock and no matter what spiritual warfare I face I will try to remind my self that esta ES el dia that the Lord made, and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I challenge you to do the same in everything you do.

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